Buy Organic Matcha Tea in Lahore Pakistan

Posted by : Khurram Shahzad on 27 Nov, 2018

Matcha tea is gaining fame in Pakistan. Pakistan is country, known for its Indian spiced foods and black tea culture. Milked Blacked tea is very popular in almost every family and home in Pakistan. Pakistani s are switching to Matcha tea leaving black tea behind. Pakistan love MATCHA .

Though, due to notorious disease like blood pressure and depression, people are switching to Matcha tea in Pakistan skipping the addiction of milked black tea. Matcha tea is healthy alternative to the black tea as well as the green tea. Matcha tea contains 10 times more antioxidants than the regular green tea, that means one cup of Matcha tea is equivalent to the 10 cups of regular green tea.

Matcha is the Japanese term given to the green tea leaves; when the leaves hibernate from October to February in the fields. All the nutrition and minerals that the plant gathers from the soil is stored in the roots until the hibernation is over in February. Once, the February starts, the new leaves emerges from the plants and the nutrition from the roots begin to transfer to the leaves for photosynthesis. The matcha farmers then cover the fields with the shade to limit the sunlight to the plant limited to 60%. Hence, this enables all the nutrition from the root to the leaves become less bitter and more sweet by limiting sunlight for photosynthesis. So, the MATCHA is the name given to these leaves that are shadow grown and harvested in the early stage and then dried in the shadow. Once, dried they are stone grounded to make the fine creamy powder, known as MATCHA tea or Matcha green tea.

Buy matcha tea Lahore pakistan

How to order Ceremonial Matcha Tea in Pakistan?

You may Order/Buy MATCHA tea in Pakistan Online | Buy Matcha Lahore| Buy Matcha Islamabad | Buy Matcha Karachi | Order Matcha Tea From | Order Matcha Tea From OLX | Youtube Facebook Twitter Matcha Pakistan:: Moringa Pure Pakistan Sore Instagram LinkedIn Google OLX Website of Matcha Literature Pinterest |Order Matcha Tea From Whatsapp

Matcha tea online Store Lahore, Pakistan Location

Matcha has several advantages over other beverages and teas such as

1. Matcha tea is High in Antioxidants

Due to number of high antioxidants, Matcha tea help human body to live young and have glowing skin. That`s way people in Japan are so much energetic and young. The average life span of individual is more than 80 years.

2. Matcha tea is power house of Catechin, EGCg

Don`t know about the Catechin. Its actually the cancer fighting antioxidant. upto 60% of antioxidants in Matcha tea is catechin, EGCg.

3. Matcha tea promotes Relaxation & Calm

With a cup of matcha tea, you may remain cool and not getting irritated like black tea when the caffeine is off spiked.

4. Matcha tea increases Concentration and memory

A lots of studied proved the calming effect of Matcha tea.

5. Matcha increases Alertness and Energy

You become more focused and alerted with the cup of Matcha tea. Its not worst alertness like black tea.

6. Matcha tea promotes Weight Loss

With sustained metabolism boosting abilities, you burn more calories for upto 8 hours by drinking just one cup of matcha tea. A study showed that skipping sugar and drinking matcha tea for a month enabled to lose 8 kg of body fats.

7. Matcha tea and body detox

Due to the high antioxidants power house, it enables the body to get rid of waste products by flushing heavy metals toxins.

8. Matcha tea improves Immune System

The catechins in Matcha is the potent anti bacterial and anti viral. This enables the body to get rid of attacking pathogens. Matcha tea is also loaded with potassium, vitamins A & C, iron, protein, and calcium.

9. Matcha tea lowers bad Cholesterol LDL

With sustained use of matcha tea, cholesterol remeins in check. It help decrease LDL and increase HDL cholesterol.

10. Matcha tea tastes delicious

Even without sugar and honey added, you will be amazed by the matcha taste much like seaweed drink with light sweetness.

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